This assignment does not count toward the final grade.


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U.S. History 1.01 (3)
U.S. History 1.01 (3)
Criteria Ratings Pts
ACCURACY- Response shows student is able to locate information needed and to give accurate answers
threshold: pts
15 pts
Total points
0 pts
No Marks
15 pts
ANALYSIS- shows ability to identify cause/effect relationships, motivations, and patterns in historical events
threshold: pts
4 pts
3 pts
Capable and Competent
2 pts
Developing and Approaching Capable
1 pts
Shows minimal understanding
0 pts
0 pts
No Marks
4 pts
EXPRESSSION - Student responses are given in a coherent, clear manner--using complete sentences when required
threshold: pts
4 pts
Student writes in complete sentences and/or fills out other answering formats (fill-in-the-blank/chart, matching, or choice options).
2 pts
Approaching Proficient
Student has some clear answers/some complete sentences, but some answers are unclear or only phrases or fragments.
1 pts
Not there
Incomplete answers (too many phrases or words) and other formats of answering are not answered.
0 pts
No Marks
4 pts
Total Points: 23 out of 23