The First Global Age (at home)
- Due Oct 2, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Points 11
- Questions 9
- Available Sep 28, 2020 at 12am - Nov 13, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
From roughly A.D. 700 to 1300 there was little contact between Europe and Asia. Trade between the two continents gradually increased in the 1300s and 1400s. By the 1400s Europeans regularly bought and sold goods from the Indies.
Answer the questions to the quiz to learn more about trade and its impact on the ancient world.
This lesson covers DESK Priority Standard #4 (Analyze similarities and differences between time periods, locations, events etc.: Describe/explain similarities and/or differences between different historical developments or processes.)
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