Element of Color- Creative Color Wheel

Creative Color Wheel


Standards: Create/Craftsmanship, Connect, Present, Respond, 

Art Elements: Texture, Line, Color, Shape, From, Space, Value

Design Principles: Contrast, Pattern, Unity, Balance, Movement, Rhythm

Expectations: Always do your best work, 


    1. Paint- watercolor or acrylic only Red, Yellow, and Blue
    2. paint brush
    3. water
    4. napkin
    5. paper
    6. pencil
    7. Ruler



  1. Choose a real photo and select something from it (a bird, umbrella, a horse etc.). Do not pick a picture that uses just plain colors on the color wheel. That idea is not creative. The more variation in color the more creative the assignment. You want to be as creative as you can.
  2. Draw a picture of the object you selected onto a paper. Make your drawing as big as you can, filling the entire page.  The bigger the drawing is, the easier the assignment will be in the end.
  3. Divide the drawing into 6 sections (this will become your final color wheel )
  4. Get something you can put paint on
  5. You will now label where the red goes. next label where orange goes, next label where yellow goes and you will keep repeating this until you have labeled all 6 colors (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple).  
  6. *Stop and turn it in to the Half way point: Turn in here- Creative color wheel
  7. traditional_ryb_color_wheel
  8. Put a quarter size paint dollop of Red, Blue, and Yellow on your pallet paper (where you are mixing your paints on)
  9. With your brush take a little red paint, then a little yellow paint and mix them together- This will make the Orange you will be using.
  10. Paint all the spots that are orange.          color wheel 2.jpg
  11.  With your brush take a little Yellow paint, and blue paint and mix them to make green
  12. Paint the green spots. Try and stay inside the lines and keep it as neat as you can
  13. With your brush take a little red paint and blue Paint and mix them to make purple
  14. Paint the purple where it goes.
  15. Now paint the red areas, the yellow areas and the blue areas.
  16. You can add little bits of white and black  into your paint to create different shades of each color. Like in the guitar, or fish painting. (see below) 
  17. When finished let the paint dry.  When it is dry use a dark marker/sharpie to outline and finish the design
  18. Photograph your work- make sure it is clear and bright and upload it to this page, to turn it in Here: Final drawing: Turn in here- Creative color wheel