Classroom Expectations

  • Grades will be earned based on your willingness to participate in our class. You get what you give!
  • Phones will be stored at the font of the room unless other wise instructed. 
  • Computers are for MARKETING classwork only!!! If you are caught up in our class you may ask for permission to work on assignments for other classes or to play an authorized computer game. 
  • If we are working on an assignment in class you are expected to be working on that assignment. Failure to work during designated class time will result in the inability to turn in the assignment on a later date.
  • You are expected to turn work in by the DUE DATE posted in Canvas. Work turned in after this date will not be graded until the late work deadline. Late work will only be accepted until the AVAILABLE UNTIL DATE posted in Canvas. 
  • Refrain from negative discussion. Explicit language, or language that reflects bigotry of any form will not be tolerated. 
  • Mistakes are acceptable and EXPECTED! If you are confused or frustrated with the course please ASK QUESTIONS and be willing to BE ASKED questions!!!