Course Syllabus
This course provides opportunities for students to develop their musical potential and aesthetic understanding through singing in a choral ensemble. Study includes the care and cultivation of a beautiful tone, aesthetic understanding, the ability to read music with fluency, the polishing of performance skills, team spirit, and responsible rehearsal habits. Students will have opportunities to experience the spontaneity of improvisation and the creative process of composition. Students will hone listening skills and their ability to analyze and critique music and music performances. Attention will also be given to relating their music experiences to the time and culture of the pieces they study, as well as to contemporary society.
There is a $5 activity fee to participate in choir for everyone. This covers the purchase of a new music.
Course Objectives:
Students will:
- Improve musicianship through rehearsal and performance of a wide variety of choral music
- Increase knowledge of music theory, history and vocabulary using a variety of activities and assignments
- Contribute to the learning environment by being respectful to others in the classroom and following all rules and procedures
Materials needed daily:
- Choral folder with assigned music. These will be given to you at the beginning of the year and you will be responsible to have them with you in every class. They will be turned back in at the end of the year. Any severe damage or loss of music may result in fees for replacement of these items. **Covid 19 update: All folders must be taken home and brought back on class day. There will not be any storage available in the choir room.
- A pencil for marking music. Pens, highlighters and permanent markers are not acceptable.
There will be a concert near the end of each term. CONCERT ATTENDANCE IS A MUST!! You must be at the performances to receive a full grade in that area. If you have a conflict, you must notify me as soon as possible or you will be given a 0 on your grade. **Covid19 update: Please look on the announcement page regarding concerts this year.
In order to make-up a missed performance, you will have to do the following: Arrange for a time outside of class to perform your part. You will need an audience (family members and friends).