Course Syllabus

General Biology

2020-2021 Course Syllabus                                  Mrs. Aimee Fonnesbeck                           


In this course, students will learn about living organisms and how they interact with their environment. Biology studies how our bodies work, the differences between a frog and a horse and why. Specific topics we will learn about are: ecology, cells, genetics, and evolution. Students will be asked to make relevant connections between topics and to gather information and ideas as individuals and as small groups.

Biology is known to be a lot of memorizing. If you want to do well in this course, you must complete the work given every day punctually. Any incomplete work becomes homework and is due the following class period (see Latework). Short, but frequent reviews of the course material will help you become familiar with the terms.


Students should bring their charged laptop, notebook, pen or pencil, and a calculator. 


Students will demonstrate proficiency within three categories. Each category contributes to ⅓ of the course grade.

  • Tests 40%
  • Quizzes 40%
  • Assignments 20%

In Biology there are a number of quizzes to help assess student knowledge of taught material. If students are not happy with the score earned they may retake the quiz. The most recent score is ALWAYS the score that will be used; not the highest score.

If absent…

All instructions on how to make up the missed learning experience and grade will be posted on the Canvas Learning Modules. Students are expected to check the canvas page before returning to school to be caught up with the class.


All work for any given unit is due PRIOR to taking the test for that unit and will not be accepted after that time. Students have the entire unit to work on the material and get it turned in. 

Letter Grades

Grades will be given as points from which a percentage will be calculated and correlate to letter grades using the boundaries shown below.


































Laboratory Safety

Students will be trained extensively throughout the year in laboratory safety.  They will study the Davis district safety handbook, sign a safety contract, and pass the safety quiz with a score of 100% before participating in chemistry labs.  Parents can find all these materials in the science section of the Davis school district website. The quiz can be taken as many times as necessary to earn 100%. Students will be unable to participate in labs if they have not earned 100% on the quiz.


Congratulations! You have an H!

Clearfield students are known to have great behavior, and I look forward to giving everyone a great citizenship grade.   Good citizenship includes class participation, respecting others, and creating a safe and productive learning environment, both in the classroom and the laboratory. Students are expected to follow all CHS policies as outlined in the current student handbook. It is especially important to follow directions in the laboratory. Any policies added due to the current environment will also be upheld as defined by the administration.

Students will receive a U if they have any combination of the following:

  • 4 or more tardies (you cannot excuse tardies)
  • Vandalism of any form in the classroom
  • Behavior problems that include but are not limited to: cell phone use, earbuds in ears, disrespectful or disruptive behavior, dress-code violations, cheating (also results in a 0 on that particular assignment, including tests, which will not be retaken), dangerous or destructive behavior during labs and activities.
  • 4 of more unexcused absences
  • 4 or more days without a charged, ready to go, personal computer in the classroom (you may not use your phone as a substitute).

Electronic Devices

The only electronic devices allowed in the classroom is your laptop and a calculator. All other devices should be kept in your backpack. 

Electronic devices are  known to distract students from learning, as such, they are not tolerated from bell to bell.   If your electronic device is seen during class, you will be asked to put it on the teacher’s desk.  Earbuds are not allowed in class at any time and will be taken (yes, even if they are not plugged into anything). If you are seen with a device during any assessment, you will receive a 0 on that assessment and a U on your citizenship grade for that particular term. The following consequences will be followed for electronic device/earbud infractions:

  1. Taken by the teacher for the duration of the class period.
  2. Taken by the teacher and taken to the office to be picked up by the student.
  3. Taken by the teacher and taken to the office to be dealt with by administration.

Hall Passes

The hall pass should be used sparingly. If you are gone for more than 10 minutes, it will be treated as a truancy. If you have a medical issue, please come and talk to me before or after school so that I am aware of it.


There is a $10 science laboratory fee. Please pay this in the front office. See them for any questions regarding this payment. The lab fee covers all supplies used during the year.

Questions or Concerns

Mrs. Fonnesbeck is willing to discuss questions or concerns as situations arise. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Fonnesbeck via email at or in person before or after school. Fridays are currently open for scheduling conferences. These conferences can be scheduled in class or via email. As a teacher, I send emails home to notify you of upcoming tests or other things that you might want to know about. Please read these emails and let me know if there are any issues that I can help.

Davis School District is committed to providing educational and employment opportunities to students without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title XI of the Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 


Please email Mrs. Fonnesbeck with any comments or concerns.


Please Sign and submit this form on myDSD.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due