
Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus


Teachers:        Ms. Ferrin                                Ms. Davis

(Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Email is the easiest way to contact us.)

OFFICE HOURS:  Before school 6:45 - 7:15, After school 2:20 - 3:30

STUDENT TUTOR HOURS:  Monday - Thursday 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

NOTE:  There is a $15.00 lab fee required for this class.  It may be paid online or in the office.

Objective: Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter – the stuff things are made of.  All people and things around you involve chemistry in one way or another!  Students will develop a basic scientific understanding about the world of chemistry through the use of investigations, lectures, group work and demos.

Bring everyday:  paper, pencil, calculator and your willingness to think and participate

Attendance and Tardies:  4 or more Tardies = U, 3 or more Unexcused absences = U, 5 or more Excused absences = U.  Please come to class everyday and be on time.  Thanks!


There is NO substitute for the completion of assigned work!!



The grade a student receives in this class is primarily based on the student demonstrating mastery of the principles taught in class.  All tests, assignments and labs will be graded on a 4-0 scale described below:  



Equivalent Letter Grade:  


Advanced: The student has a complete and detailed understanding of the principle and has demonstrated its application to different situations.  



Proficient: The student has a complete understanding of the information important to the topic but not in detail.  



Developing: The student has an incomplete understanding of the topic and/or misconceptions about some of the information.  However, the student maintains a very basic understanding of the topic.  



Minimal: The student’s understanding of the topic is so incomplete or has so many misconceptions that the student cannot be said to understand the topic.  



Insufficient: No judgment can be made about the student’s understanding of the topic or the assignment is missing.  



Grading will be based on a straight A,B,C,D scale.   

Grading Scale (Cutoff %) 

88%   A  

75%   B  

58%   C 

45%   D  

Class Grading Weights: 

Assessments (Quiz/Tests)       70%                                         

Investigations (Labs)              20%                                         

Assignments (Classwork)           10%                                          


This year-long chemistry course is broken into 24+ concepts that each student is responsible to master.  This averages out to approximately 1 concept per week.  The class will be assessed on each concept after it has been taught and they have had a chance to practice it.  The student will receive a 4-2 or 0 grade on the assessment.  If the student receives a 3 or 4 the concept is considered mastered and that grade will be recorded in the gradebook.  If a student receives a 2 on the concept, they are approaching proficiency, but need to review the concept in more depth and retake for mastery.  Any score lower than a 2 will be entered as 0, as the students does not understand the concept and we recommend coming to get help on the concept.  Students may retake any assessment by demonstrating that they have performed the necessary work to allow them to do better.   

For example, the student might reread the chapter and review their summary notes.  They might rework the homework or they could review a video posted on canvas and take notes.  Students are also welcome to come work practice problems with us before or after school.   

Once a student receives a 3 or 4 on the assessment that grade is considered mastered.  Students may not retake more than one assessment per topic per week, but they may take multiple assessments on multiple topics during any given week.  Retakes will not be allowed during the final week of any term.   

Assignments and Investigations: 

Assignments and investigations are due the next class period and will be turned in on Canvas.  Late assignments will not be accepted, but investigations may be turned in up to 2 weeks late with a maximum score of 3 out of 4 earned on the investigation. 



Course Summary:

Date Details Due