Course Syllabus
Driver Education Disclosure
Mr. Miller
Mr. Ferneau
Class Fees/Cutoff Dates: $115.00
First Semester: 16th birthday must fall between Sept. 1st and Last Day of February
Second Semester: 16th birthday must fall between March 1st and August 31st
Prerequisite: All students must have their learners permit the first day of class. Any students that do not have an issued learners permit will not be allowed to take the class for the semester and will have to change their schedule to reflect this change.
- Driver Education will be divided into four phases: Classroom, Simulation, Range, & Road. Students must pass all four phases of Driver Education with 80% or better in order to receive a Completion Certificate. This “Certificate” entitles you the privilege of receiving a Utah Driver’s License.
- The first phase of Driver Education is the classroom phase. A student must clock 30 hours of classroom instruction and receive a passing grade in order to receive a completion certificate. Students must complete this course with 80% or better to satisfy the state requirements for their license. Students receiving less than 80% will still receive credit toward graduation, but will not receive credit toward their license. Both of these requirements must be met in the 1st term of each semester. Therefore, a student may not miss any more than (3) class periods in order to meet this state requirement. On a student’s 4th absence, he/she will no longer be able to meet the state’s 30-hour requirement and therefore will fail driver education. Students who frequently arrive late to class, or are a disruption in class, will fail to meet the expectations of the instructor and therefore will not receive a completion certificate. If the student wishes to re-take driver education, he/she may do so during summer school or online with Davis Connect. Summer School students may not miss any class days. The 2nd term of each semester is used for Supplemental Instruction on Career Education, Organ Donation, and Drugs & Alcohol, etc. There may be some remediation available to those that do not pass the 80% or classroom hours required in the 1st term of the semester given during the 2nd term of the semester. This will be handled on an individual basis.
*Grade Breakdown:
A 93-100%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
D+ 67-69%
D 63-66%
D- 60-62%
F 0-59%
- The last three phases of driver education will be made up of practical driving experiences conducted through Simulation, Range & Road driving. All students must pass these practical experiences, which are based upon driving proficiency. All driving will be done before or after school and on weekends.
- Driving will be assigned each day in class. Students must have a valid Learner’s Permit in order to drive with an instructor. The Learner’s Permit must be carried for 6 months prior to getting a Driver’s License. Students can obtain a Learner’s Permit any time after their 15th birthday. Students will be driven in order of experience. It is our hope that all students will be practicing during the semester. Students who miss (1) driving time will no longer be able to test here at the school and will have to test at the DLD. Students who miss (2) or more appointed driving times will be charged and have to pay the re-drive fee before they can continue their driving experience. The Fee for re-driving a student is $75.00. Students must complete their driving within 120 days (6 months) of having completed the class. If you do not want to drive, please do not take this class. You will be required to take the class again to get credit toward your license if your driving is not completed within 120 days of the end of the semester.
- Driver Education Instructors are Certified Licensed Examiners. Students will be given 1 opportunity to pass the State Road test, but will forfeit that opportunity if they miss any driving appointments or fail their range driving. Subsequent testing will be given at the Driver License Division. Upon successful completion of all Driver Education tests and requirements, students will be able to take the required completion materials to the Driver’s License Division and obtain their Driver’s License. (Links to an external site.)
- During the last 3 phases of the Driver Education program, each student will receive 6 hours of practical driving instruction from a certified licensed examiner. Parental involvement is also required by law. The State of Utah requires each student to receive and additional 40 hours of practical driving experience with a parent. Ten of these hours must be fulfilled during night like conditions. Hours must be documented.
- No cell phones or other electronic devices are allowed in the classroom or while driving. Exception: laptops will be used everyday in class.
- Due to the serious nature of driving, there could be graphic photos or videos of injuries because of accidents involving motor vehicles. There will also be discussions of all types of motor vehicle situations. If at any time your student needs to step out of the room, they are free to do so. We will be watching various videos on driving situations. Please know that links to resources have not been vetted beyond the original page cited.
During class, movies may be shown that correlate with a worksheet, notes or class discussion. Some of the films may be rated PG-13 or television shows rated TV-14, these selections will enhance student learning. For a detailed list content standards for the ratings visit (Links to an external site.) and (Links to an external site.). If you, as a parent, are not comfortable with your child seeing the content please let me know in advance and the student will be given a different assignment and accommodations will be made for your child to work outside the classroom.
- All students and their parents must attend a parent night put on by Zero Fatalities at a designated date, time, and place. Parent Nights are now done online. This is a mandatory assignment to get your license.
- Any questions about your driving schedule, range time, completion Certificate, etc. Need to go to your road instructor. Road instructors include: Ferneau, Shaffer, Katoa, and Miller.
Parent Signature:
Student Signature:
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |