Course Syllabus

Instructor:          Hev Phoung                                              

Class: Mon, and Wed (A)

Class: Tues, and Thurs (B)

Class: Friday = "Make-up" day

Instructor:          Hev Phoung                                              Class: Monday & Wednesday

Office hours:      7:30am to 3:30pm                                     email:

Prerequisites: None

Number of Credits: 3

NOTE: This syllabus constitutes a contract between you and your instructor.
You are responsible and accountable for the information in this syllabus!



Connecting with Computer Science, 2nd Edition (Links to an external site.)


In addition, we will be using reference material comes from Open Educational Resources (OER) available on the web.




A solid foundational introduction to Computer Science is essential in undergraduate programs to ensure that all students are on the same footing for subsequent courses. This course follows the core body of knowledge specified by the ACM which provides students with a broad overview of topics they might encounter within the Computer Science curriculum.

The course is taught at an introductory level and includes topics such as the history of computers, computer architecture, operating systems, world-wide-web and HTML, programming with Java, database, software engineering, networking, and more. Through a series of OER materials, exercises, quizzes, tests, and labs, students will learn first-hand about the field of computer science as both a degree and a career.

Learning Outcomes - Students will be able to:

  1. Understand the history and social implications of computing including issues related to computer and network security and ethics.
  2. Describe the architecture of a PC, local and wide area networks, and the Internet.
  3. Create a relational database and manipulate data using basic SQL commands.
  4. Understand binary representation for both numeric and character-based data.
  5. Describe the basic characteristics of lists, stacks, queues, trees, and simple sorting algorithms.
  6. Develop problem-solving and debugging skills.
  7. Understand the software development life cycle and contemporary software development challenges.
  8. Create a simple webpage that includes text, images, tables, and other common components using HTML.
  9. Write a simple computer program using a high-level programming language like Java or C++

Technical Support:

If you have any Canvas or computer issues, please contact technical support.

  • Canvas related technical issues, call Canvas support: 801-626-6499 or email
  • Username, password, or technical questions, call Computer support at 801-626-7777 or email:
  • Chi Tester Support: 801-626-6477

Storage and Computer Use

  1. You will need your own storage device (e.g., flash drive or cloud account) to SAVE your work through the course. Save your work frequently. As NUAMES/WSU student, you get free storage of 50GB in Box (cloud storage). Sign into Box.
  2. You may use computers in any computer lab on campus to get work on your assignments. Don't forget to save your work before logging out. Those computers do not save.


  1. Weekly Assignments (40%): The specific assignment, due date, and turn-in procedure are all managed through Canvas. 
  2. Quizzes (30%): One or more quizzes may be given to cover the material in each module. Quizzes must be taken on or before the due date, are "open note", not timed, and you may take a quiz only once.
  3. Exams (20%): Each module has an end of module exam that must be taken on or before the scheduled due date. Exams are "open book", not time, and maybe taken only once. The "final exam" is a research paper that you will.
  4. State Tests (10%) This college class covers 2 different state high school CTE classes and we'll be taking those exams. The state considers you to be highly proficient in a subject if you get an 80% or higher on their test, and you earn a certificate that some colleges will accept for additional college credit. Due to this, I curve the tests so that 80% is 100% in my grade book; anything over 80% is extra credit. All state tests combined will make up 10 % of your final grade.

Grading Scale

A   95% - 100%

A-   90% - 94%

B+   87% - 89%

B   83% - 86%

B-   80% - 82%

C+   77% - 79%

  73% - 76%

C-   70% - 72%

D+   67% - 69%

D   63% - 66%

D-   60% - 62%

E     59% and below



Note: Grades in DSD will not be accurate. To see your true grades, please always check Canvas.

No late assignment will be accepted after 7 days of the due date. Late submission penalty 50% penalty.

Late Policy:

Due dates for all assignments must be met to receive maximum points.  Any late assignments or quizzes submitted after the due date but before the closeout date will lose 50% of the points scored for that assignment (Example: Quiz is worth 20 and student scores 16, the student will receive an 8 with the 50% deduction).  A late assignment is one that is handed in after the specified due date.  You are certainly encouraged to turn in assignments early; this is an important habit to establish as you continue to prepare for your career. Work on assignments early in case of technical difficulties!

Addition Policy:

Additions will be made from a waiting list on a first-in, first-out basis. No additions will be allowed after the second week of class.

Tardy Policy:

Tardiness is unacceptable because: Tardiness reduces the instructional time of the student who is late. A student's tardiness interrupts the class he or she is coming into, resulting in a loss of instructional quality and time for all students. If you are 1 minute late, that is considered tardy. If you are 20 minutes late to class = absence.

Withdrawal Policy:

You are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from classes you are not attending or do not intend to complete in the current semester. You can drop/withdraw by the deadline dates published in the Course Withdrawals for the current semester. The Weber Drop or Withdraw Policy clearly states when a refund or adjustment to tuition may be given. If you are receiving Financial Aid or Veteran benefits, please notify the appropriate office when dropping classes. Withdrawals will be shown as a "W" on the transcript and are not calculated as part of your grade-point average (GPA). If you stop attending classes without dropping/withdrawing by the published deadline, you may receive an "E" grade which will be included in your GPA calculation.

Registration, Drop and Withdraw Deadlines

Screen Shot of 20-21 Registration deadlines

Ethical Conduct:

All students at Weber State University agree on admission to abide by the University Code of Conduct. Please review this document as it includes important information about student policies and rights. Any form of academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) will not be tolerated. Proof of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade (E) for the course automatically. I will not grade the remaining assignments and exams and give an E grade right away. The following is an explanation of cheating as stated in the student code.

Cheating, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Plagiarism, which is the unacknowledged (uncited) use of any other person’s or group’s ideas or work. This includes purchased or borrowed papers;
  • Collusion, which is the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing work offered for credit;
  • Falsification, which is the intentional and unauthorized altering or inventing of any information or citation in an academic exercise, activity, or record-keeping process;
  • Giving, selling, or receiving unauthorized course or exam information;
  • Using any unauthorized resource or aid in the preparation or completion of any course work, exercise, or activity;
  • Infringing on the copyright law of the United States which prohibits the making of reproductions of copyrighted material except under certain specified conditions.
  • Copying from another student's exam;
  • Using materials during an exam not authorized by the person giving the exam;
  • Collaborating with any other person during an exam without authorization;
  • Knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of any exam without authorization of the appropriate University official
  • Bribing any other person to obtain any exam;
  • Soliciting or receiving unauthorized information about any exam;
  • Substituting for another student or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take an exam.

In Case of an Emergency (Code Purple Situation)

Emergency Closure: If for any reason the university is forced to close for an extended period of time, we will conduct our class through Canvas as an online course. Look for announcements through Canvas Announcements and Canvas Conversations.

Talk to me

I am able to make reasonable accommodations for students with or without disabilities. If for any reason you feel that you are struggling in my class come see me before school, after school, during lunch, or send me an email. It is my job to ensure that you learn and my goal is that you have fun while doing it. I am always open to suggestions on how to improve. I do not have standing office hours but am available to schedule appointments. You can try just stopping by, but I may not be able to give you my full attention without an appointment.

What You can Expect from Me

As your instructor, I am committed to providing a quality learning experience through thoughtful
planning, implementation, and assessment of course activities. I am also committed to being readily
available to you throughout the semester by...
• Being attentive to your needs in class.
• Being available to chat by appointment outside of class during my office hours.
• By replying to your email or online questions within 1 to 2 business days.
• By returning graded course work within 72 hours of each assignment's due date.

This course requires you, the student, to be in control of your learning. Since you are in control, you
need to be disciplined enough to stay up to date with the course. The following tips will help you
succeed in the course.

Canvas Login: Log in to Canvas regularly to view announcements and check your progress. You
may need to log in multiple times a day when group submissions/discussions are due.
Manage Your Time: This requires good planning. Good planning allows you to plan for unexpected sickness, travel requirements, Internet outages etc. Allow for four hours/week in class
and you an additional 2-4 hours of work outside the classroom.
Keep Track of Due Dates: Use the calendar tool on Canvas to keep track of due dates. Print out
the schedule at the end of the syllabus, and watch for updates on Canvas.

What Your Peers Expect from you

Classroom Etiquette: In any social interaction, certain rules of etiquette are expected and
contribute to more enjoyable and productive communication.
Netiquette: The following tips for interacting online are adapted from guidelines originally compiled
by Chuq Von Rospach and Gene Spafford.
• Remember that the person receiving your message is someone like you, someone who
deserves and appreciates courtesy and respect.
• Be brief. Succinct, thoughtful messages have the greatest impact.
• Your messages reflect on YOU. Take time to make sure that you are proud of their form and
• Use descriptive subject headings in e-mail messages.
• Think about your audience and the relevance of your messages.
• Be careful with humor and sarcasm; without the voice inflections and body language of face-to-face communication, Internet messages can be easily misinterpreted.
• When making follow-up comments, summarize the parts of the message to which you are
• Avoid repeating what has already been said. Needless repetition is ineffective
• Cite appropriate references whenever using someone else’s ideas, thoughts, or words.
Manage Your Time: This requires good planning. Good planning allows you to plan for unexpected sickness, travel requirements, Internet outages, etc. Allow for four hours/week in class
and you an additional 2-4 hours of work outside the classroom.
Keep Track of Due Dates: Use the calendar tool on Canvas to keep track of due dates. Print out
the schedule at the end of the syllabus, and watch for updates on Canvas.


Weber State University is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other
forms of discrimination based upon race, color, ethnic background, national origin, religion, creed,
age, lack of American citizenship, disability, the status of the veteran of the Vietnam era, sexual orientation
or preference or gender, including sexual/gender harassment. Such an environment is a necessary
part of a healthy learning and working atmosphere because such discrimination undermines the
sense of human dignity and sense of belonging of all people in the environment. Thus, students in
this class should practice professional deportment, and avoid treating others in a manner that is
demeaning or derisive in any respect. While diverse viewpoints and opinions are welcome in this
class, in expressing them, we will practice the mutual deference so important in the world of work.
Thus, while I encourage you to share your opinions, when appropriate, you will be expected to do so
in a manner that is respectful towards others, even when you disagree with them. If you have
questions regarding the university’s policy against discrimination and harassment you may contact
the university’s AA/EO office (626-6239) or visit its website:

Threat to Self or Others

Any disclosure by a student, orally or in writing, whether related to class assignments or not, that
communicates the possibility of imminent danger to the student or others will be shared with the
appropriate authorities

Course Summary:

Date Details Due