Course Syllabus

Applied English 10/11

Welcome! In this class we will work to improve written communication and reading skills as well as explore great literature and read to understand text written just for information. In compliance with the district standards, students will increase their ability in the following areas: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language.

Class Learning Objectives

Key Ideas & Details
• Use textual evidence to support analysis, inferences, themes, central ideas, relationships, and
summaries, and to analyze development of complex characters and author’s purpose.
• Craft & Structure
• Analyze diction, structure, and point of view in one or more texts to determine their impact,
creation of effects, reflection of experience, or author’s purpose.
Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
• Compare and analyze the representation of varying accounts of a subject in texts, in different
mediums, or in the source material and a specific work, analyzing what is emphasized or absent
and evaluating the reasoning.
• Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using reasons
and relevant and sufficient evidence.
• Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey complex ideas, concepts, and
information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of
Conventions of Standard English
• Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, mechanic, and
spelling when writing or speaking.
Knowledge of Language
• Use knowledge of language to make effective choices, comprehend more fully, and conform to
appropriate guidelines.
Vocabulary Acquisition & Use
• Acquire and accurately use and interpret academic words and phrases; independently gather
vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or


Students need to be prepared each day to work. Students need access to their own device every single day. Students can check out a device from the school if needs be. Students need to bring their device to class each time. 

Class Expectations:   

Be Respectful

Be Prepared

Stay in your own space (hands, feet, and objects to yourself). Keep physical distance and sit in your assigned seat.

Keep School Rules and Policies (appropriate cell phone/ device use, dress code, wearing a mask… *found on school website) 

Grading Scheme 

Academic Grades:  Students receive points for daily assignments, tests and quizzes

94 -100 % = A

90 - 93% = A-

86 - 89% = B+

82 - 85% = B

79 - 81% = B-

76 - 78% = C+

72 - 75% = C

69 - 71% = C-

66 - 68% = D+

63 - 65% = D

60 - 62% = D-

0 - 59% = F

Make-Up Work:  Students are responsible for completing their assignments. All assignments will be posted on Canvas. 

Class Set-Up

Students will receive instruction, guided practice, review and collaboration in class. Students will be expected to do independent practice (assignments, journals, quizzes, individual reading) during class and for homework if they don't finish. 


  • Journals: Students will be given a writing prompt each day at the beginning of class.  Points are based on completion.   
  • Writing Assignments: Students will focus their writing on three types of essays throughout the year: Personal Narrative, Argumentative, and Informational. Students will be given class time to complete writing assignments however they may need to be finished at home.
  • Novels: All novels chosen are those that are district and state approved for 10th/11th grade English. Copies of these books are provided to the students. Movies for the novels may also be shown. An alternate assignment and location will be given during the novel and movie upon student/parent/legal guardian request.

The following books may be read throughout the school year:

  • Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Alborn (10th grade)
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (10th grade)
  • The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway (10th grade)
  • Holes by Louis Sachar (11th grade)
  • Mississippi Trial, 1955 by Chris Crowe (11th grade)


  • Personal Reading: At least once a term, students are going to be asked to bring a book of their choice to read during class.  This allows students the time to read for enjoyment. Each day after students complete their Journal assignment they will be given time to read. Students will be given the first 10 minutes of class to complete their Journal and then the following 15 minutes for reading. If students are not prepared with their book then they will lose reading points and they will be asked to select a book to read for that day. 

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of another’s work, either all or part, without giving them credit.  Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a 0 for the assignment and a U citizenship grade!  Parents will also be notified.

Food/Drink: Drinks and small snacks will be permitted in class as long as they are disposed of properly. The privilege of having food and snacks in the classroom is contingent on disposing of the garbage. If there becomes an issue then this privilege will be revoked.  

Hall passes:Hall passes are a privilege and misuse will result in loss of the privilege. Misuse includes, but is not limited to: using cell phone, buying food, leaving school, being gone for more than 5 minutes. Students who are gone 10 or more minutes will be reported as truant.

Note from the teacher:

I am looking forward to a great school year! I am available via email, telephone or by appointment if you have any questions or concerns. I understand that each of my students has different strengths and learning styles. I firmly believe in their limitless potential.

Davis School District is committed to providing educational and employment opportunities to students without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title XI of the Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Applied Skills

Class Objectives:- Assist students in gaining academic skills in core subjects.- Practice Executive Functioning Skills: organization, prioritizing, independent initiation and completion of assignments,and self-advocating.- Prepare students for life after high school by identifying their goals and helping them access training.-Prepare students to form connections that will help them succeed after school.Hall passes:Hall passes are a privilege and misuse will result in loss of the privilege. Misuse includes, but is not limited to: using cell phone, buying food, leaving school, being gone for more than 5 minutes. Students who are gone 10 or more minutes will be reported as truant.Citizenship:Attendance and/or tardies will be reflected in Citizenship grades and will follow school policy: 4 tardies = U. Students may work off tardies by being on time and prepared for 5 class periods in a row. Please talk to your teacher if you are interested in working off tardies. Attitude toward teachers, aides, substitutes, other students and school staff will also be considered in Citizenship grades.Absences:Please come if you are healthy and stay home if you are not. Please email me if you are unable to attend: eriwilliams@dsdmail.netAssignments:Weekly Logs are based on weekly recording of required information regarding missing assignments and student status based on Canvas and MyDSD.Skill Building Assignments include things geared toward helping students develop Executive Functioning Skills, career related information, progress on IEP goals, and enrichment for general education classes.Time Management requires goal setting and reaching mile posts. Points are lost when time is misused in class.**NOTICE** Phone Policy: One reminder will be given then school policy will be followed:1st time: Teacher takes phone, returns it at end of class. 2nd time: Teacher takes phone, student may pick up afterschool. 3rd time: Parent will need to pick up phone from administrator in office.TIME MANAGEMENT POINTS WILL NOT BE EARNED ON THAT DAY


Course Summary:

Date Details Due