Course Syllabus


Disclosure Statement

Instructor: Mr. Wilmot E-mail:                                            Room 402 Classroom phone: 801-402-4238

SRC: B days


Course Objectives:

Introduction to Automotive is a course that teaches life skills on today’s automobiles. It is designed to teach students the language and vocabulary of auto technicians, safe shop practices, basic troubleshooting, and basic automotive technician skills. During the course, specific assignments will be given to be performed on "live" vehicles.

Assignments and Learning activities:

  1. A rough outline of the units taught is as follows...
    1. Orientation to auto shop class, career opportunities, and common practices of auto repair shops.
    2. Safety (Utah State Law requires all students must pass a safety test)
    3. Tools Students will obtain knowledge of basic hand and air tools
    4. Brakes and Anti-Lock Brakes Systems: Students will learn how automotive brakes work, and have shop assignments that will teach them how to repair brake
    5. Tires and wheels Students will learn about different types of wheels, tires and proper mounting and balance procedures.
    6. Basic Vehicle maintenance Students will learn basic vehicle maintenance including checking fluids and filters. Each student will also perform an oil change on a vehicle.
    7. Engines Students will learn the major parts of an internal combustion engine and how it works.
    8. Engine cooling and lubrication systems Students will study basic cooling and lubrication systems, strategies, and repair procedures.
  2. Classroom assignments will consist of worksheets, quizzes, tests, videos and a state skills test at the end of the semester. The State Skills Test is a one-time test with no makeup that is going on the student’s grade.
  3. Shop assignments will consist of regular shop-related (hands-on) assignments related to the unit being taught, or similar maintenance procedure.
  4. Participation points will be given for participation in each term. Bell quizzes will be given randomly throughout the semester at the beginning of class. The Bell quizzes will take away participation points if not completed. After three unexcused absences 10 participation points will be lost. Any unexcused absence after that 5 points each will be docked. The teacher may take away participation points as necessary for any other misbehavior or non-participation as necessary.

Makeup work and late assignments:

Due to illness, or other reasonable problems, late work will need to be turned in no later than one week after it is due. It is the student's responsibility to make up work, tests, and shop assignments. Time will not be given in class for make-up work. Arrangements must be made for make-up work with Mr. Wilmot during SRC or after school. Any late work may be turned in at any time throughout the term but will not receive full credit. One week after the due date the teacher will hand back graded work. After graded work is handed back students who turn in that assignment will only receive half credit.

Evaluation and Grading

Grades will be accrued upon the point system as shown below.

A = 93%- 100%          B+86%-89%     C+=75%-79%               C-= 69%-71%       D= 63%-65%                           F = Below60%

A- = 90%-92%    B 82%-85      C 72%-74% D+= 66%-68%      D- =60%-62%

Shop assignments

There will be regular shop days when students will be required to complete specific shop assignments. With instructor permission students may bring in their own vehicle to work on for the assigned shop assignments. 


  • 4 un-cleared absences = U
  • 4 Tardies = U
  • Behavioral problems = U
  • Any student who violates safety rules may be suspended from class at any time as well as receive a "U" upon teacher discretion.
  • A student will receive a Violation Card for any major behavior problems. The Violation Card must be filled out by the student and a copy will be entered on their permanent record and given to their counselor.

> 1st Violation  Card— Incidence goes on permanent record and Student will be removed from the shop for the day.

> 2 nd Violation Card— Incidence goes on permanent record, Student removed from the shop for 1 week, parents will receive a phone call, and Student will receive a "U."

> 3 rd Violation Card— Incidence goes on permanent record and the student will be dropped from the class!

Class Rules:

  1. We show respect by listening carefully to the speaker and refrain from talking.
  2. One student at a time is allowed to get a drink or bathroom visit with teacher permission.
  3. We show respect by cleaning up after ourselves in class and in the shop.
  4. You may be allowed to leave the class only with teacher permission.
  5. To get the most out of our learning, we will refrain from using talking, texting, or listening devices unless directed to do so by the teacher. The penalty for breaking this rule will be as follows:
    1. 1st time- teacher warning
    2. 2 nd time- confiscation of cell phone and taken to front office
    3. 3 rd time- Student must turn in phone at the beginning of every class for teacher to hold until after class.
  6. Text books must stay in the classroom at all times unless approved by Mr. Wilmot
  7. No inappropriate behavior will be tolerated. This includes swearing, abuse, dress, inappropriate gestures, or controlled substances.

Shop Rules:

  1. Shop tools and equipment must stay in the shop.
  2. During shop time only one person is allowed in a vehicle at a time. This includes entering or leaving the shop,
  3. Safety glasses must be worn at all times in the auto shop over their eyes.
  4. No cell phones or personal music players are allowed in the shop EVER. If needed phones will be locked up during shop time and returned at the end of the period.

Safety rules must be followed at all times while in the auto shop, NO EXCEPTIONS!

  1. No inappropriate behavior will be tolerated. This includes swearing, abuse, dress, inappropriate gestures, or controlled substances.
  2. Requirements

Shop fees are $10 each semester and must be paid before any student is admitted into the auto shop. Fees must be paid before midterm or the student will receive a "U" in citizenship for the term. The student will also receive a "U" at the end of each subsequent term that the fee is not paid.

"Davis School District is committed to providing educational and employment opportunities to students without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin or disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title Xl of the Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and with the Americans with Disabilities Act."

> Parents/Guardians:

To help you out, here is an overview of the materials and costs for your child to participate in this course:

  • Coveralls/Scrubs (see Coverall Requirements section for more info on coveralls)
  • Safety glasses (may be purchased from the shop for $2) If students forget safety glasses or they brake they will be charged $2 to there DSD account.
  • $10 shop fee to be paid in the office
  • Oil and filter for oil change assignment (see Shop Assignments section for more info)


Viewmont Automotive is making many positive changes in both curriculum and facilities. We are striving to be a leader in the state for automotive education. Our goal is to provide training that will prepare our students to be competitive with current industry standards in the automotive field. In order to achieve these aspirations, our shop is in great need of updated and new equipment. Our normal methods of funding, along with other fundraising efforts only provide a small portion of our needs. Therefore, I am adding this call for supporters to ask for any donations to the automotive program. Donations can be financial donations as well as car donations. A vehicle does not need to be running and drivable to donate to the Auto Shop. Any donors will receive a tax write off for the amount donated. If a vehicle is donated, a tax write off will be given for the NADA average trade in value of the car. If you are interested in providing any financial aid to our fine automotive program it would contribute greatly to our student's success in an automotive profession. Please feel free to come in and visit the shop and chat with the instructor and administration about what is happening in the program. Thank you.

> Parents — Don't hesitate to email with any questions or concerns!



Parent Signature ________________________________

Parent Print name________________________________

Student Signature___________________________________

Student Print Name__________________________________


Course Summary:

Date Details Due